What is the cost of living in Bahrain?

Wondering about the cost of living in Bahrain, you have come to the right place.

Let’s face it, to have a characterful budget choice, you need to know how to distribute your money and manage your finances efficiently.

Indeed, one of the first things you may do when you move to a new country is investigating the cost of living.

As more and more expats from the west take up residence in Bahrain, it may surprise you that the cost of living can be pretty high for some items. But it only happens if you don’t have the big picture of how you divide your income or if it’s worth flying to Bahrain and leaving all you have behind.

Imagine an open-air marketplace, traditional Arabic music drifting through the air, and freshly cooked shawarma aroma in your nostrils. Shops are filled with colourful goods, and business is booming. It is an atmosphere full of excitement and intrigue as you stroll around to discover hidden local gems.

Living in Bahrain as an Indiana can be a challenge or one of the best experiences ever. But, of course, it always depends on how you will live there.

In this article, we will share tips on keeping your costs down as an expat in Bahrain. You’ll also find information about how much it costs to live in Bahrain and what types of things you can expect to pay for.

What is the cost of living?

First, we need to be specific about several definitions to ease the mission for you. It would help if you defined what the cost of living means to you. For example, some people see the amount of money to cover the basics. But what are the actual basic expenses you need?

So, the ultimate definition includes food, housing, taxes, and healthcare during a specific period in a particular place.

Just remember:

The cost of living in Bahrain can be pretty high, especially in the capital city of Manama. However, it doesn’t compare to living in European countries. Therefore, you can take advantage of the upscale level of life without breaking the bank.

Your housing and utility costs will be high, but you can cut back significantly on other expenses, such as travel, groceries, and apparel.

The amount of money you’ll need to survive in Bahrain will be primarily determined by your preferred standard of living.

Despite the high cost of living, Bahrain is a popular destination for expats due to its desirable lifestyle. The country has low crime rates and great weather and is home to several luxury hotels and resorts. There are also many job opportunities available, particularly in the financial sector.

Cost of accommodations

If you ask anyone about the cost of accommodations in Bahrain, they’d say it’s expensive. But hold on! It is always your choice and your lifestyle.

For example, looking for apartments for rent in Bahrain, villas for rent in Bahrain, or a studio for rent in Bahrain is tricky. Foruntalty, many real estate websites, like Sakan, will give you access to all cheap apartments in Bahrain.

So, you must set 550 dinars aside each month for rental apartments in Bahrain. This price varies depending on the building’s size, location, and status.

The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Manama is BD500 (US$1,300), while utilities can cost BD 100-200 (US$265-530) per month.

However, it would help if you started searching earlier to make the best of your money and finalize the most appropriate deal.

You also need to download the Sakan app to be notified of any new rental apartments added to the website to be the first to see the ad and act accordingly.

Also, you can consider living with roommates to cut off some costs.

Cost of Eating

In general, food costs are also relatively high.

The cost of eating out is exceptionally high in Bahrain, so it’s worth checking the menus on prices before you head to a restaurant or café.

The high cost of food is a significant concern for families across Bahrain. However, there are a few simple ways to cut back on the expense of food without sacrificing nutrition or taste.

Preparing your food in advance allows you to take advantage of sales and coupons. Meal planning also helps to avoid wasting food, as you can cook only what you need and use leftovers for future meals.

Another way to reduce the cost of food is to buy it in bulk. That can be done at a discount store or online. Buying bulk is a smart strategy to save money on staples such as meat, grains, and produce.

Finally, it’s preferable to prepare your meals at home. It will save you a lot. In addition, home-cooked meals are typically healthier and less expensive than restaurant meals.

My only advice to you in this part is to seriously study the practice to minimize your food expenses based on your income.

And keep in mind eating out in Bahrain will cost you around 6 dinars daily, which is a significant amount.

Cost of transporting

Transportation costs will be based on the location you’d stay and where you’d work.

In this budget series, we recommend having your car. It’s cheaper than taking a taxi every day to your work.

There is no public transportation in Bahrain, or to be specific; it doesn’t cover all of Bahrain.

So, when creating your budget, consider buying a car or negotiating with your employer to offer a car or transportation allowance to manage your finances.

But if you’re lucky to use the transportation, you can take advantage of a monthly membership available for no more than $50.

The cost of getting around town in your car is minimal, considering the average gallon of gas is only $0.5 at the moment.

Tips for managing the cost of living in Bahrain

When managing the cost of living, you can do a few key things to keep your expenses in check. Establish and maintain a reasonable budget first.

This method can keep tabs on your expenditures and avoid going overboard.

Second, be mindful of your spending habits. If you constantly impulse buying or splurging on unnecessary items, cut back in these areas. Finally, make sure to save up for unexpected expenses. By setting aside money each month, you’ll be prepared for anything that comes your way.

Now, check out the Sakan platform and get access to a wide range of cheap apartments in Bahrain. You will never get disappointed.

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